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Giant Holes Appear in Russia

Two more giant holes have been discovered in Russia in Siberia.It is likely Methane cause a large proportion of Sibera is freaking marshlands/swamp that are exposed to extreme winters, and there is likely to be build of said gases, especially natural gas since Russia is one of the largest exporters of it.

"In addition to the first massive hole that mysteriously in Russia about two weeks ago, two more holes have been discovered around the same region.
If you havn’t seen our video about the first hole, you can click here to watch it.
The original hole was discovered in the Yamal Peninsula in Siberia and looks like these pictures. 
It’s depth is about a third of that of the Eiffel tower.
The second hole, one of the news ones, was discovered in the Taz district and is only about half the size of the original one. It looks like this.
The third hole was discovered in the Taymyr Peninsula, to the east, it is about a quarter in size of the original one..."

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