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What Couples Really Do When Nobody Is Around

4 Things Happy Couples Do?

Giveing each other a massage
A massage relax the body by relieving tension in the muscles.
Giving a massage is an loving act and it shows that you are understanding and giving towards your partner.
It doesn’t have to take a long time. A 10 to 20 minute session is more than enough.

Showering together 
Daily routine that's undergone in one’s own privacy.
Showering together helps to break down this barrier of privacy.

Help each other shave
This requires a great amount of trust.
It can help to build trust between two people

Being in a healthy longterm relationship can be wonderful, but it’s easy to get stuck in a routine in the bedroom sometimes.

img source: http:// fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/049/e/5/ian__s_hope_by_division90-d4q3pip.jpg

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