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How To Build Muscles Real Fast!

Most frustrating elements of fitness is that it can be very difficult to gain a significant amount of muscle mass. There are a few basic principles that lead to the growth of significant new muscle.
You need to create the right environment for your body to efficiently grow new muscle!

Step1 Training

Step2 Nutrition

Step3 Supplementation

Step4 Rest

Img source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh2aWeiUA1vLmwdoKmM2-gxl4CjYyXM_31CKRhGkbR7pQD9Xj8bl-FkKwRa77fwbYeN9dOsmUv8rH2cRN0i9RwhV5c4HTXCLSzsnaHKJ71hUkIntuIk0k3ttkEdtjGGBJEaOmifFChtkZY/s1600/Fit+Couple+with+Six+Pack+Abs+(boy,+girl).jpg

Building new muscle is all about damaging the fibres that you start with.
Heavy resistance training is the best way to go about this,
so you’ll need to incorporate a weightlifting program into your training schedule.

Firstly, you’ll need to make sure that you have a calorie surplus available to generate new muscle.
If you consume only the amount of calories you need to maintain your existing lean muscle mass,
you may get stronger but there just won’t be enough spare resources to generate new muscle fibre.

Supplements can help you reach your goals faster!

Many bodybuilders do not realize the importance rest plays in obtaining maximum performance and results from the hours spent in the gym.
This rest needs to be good quality and high in quantity, and you need to ensure you do it in the right ways

And the final and most important role of all is the Discipline !!! Good luck xDDD

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