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Men's Don't Watch This Video

 Am I the only one around here who actually like natural looking women more then gaint boobs and one pound of makeup.

 I don`t wanna judge but, Girls please don`t do this. It`s like mens would put socks in the undies, pointless.
 some bush up bra might be fine, but not needet to date/go out. Otherwise you will just end up crying how mens are all a holes and just want one thing.
 Ugh as if makeup isn't enough of a lie. You know im not an attractive person but i dont do shit to make people think i am.
 Doing this just proves to everyone that you have a low self esteem. And it also shows that you care way to much about what other people think.
 Confidence is hot in a guy right? Why shouldn't in be in a girl too without her haveing to cover up what she thinks are imperfections.
 I know you're gonna do what you want because you're your own person but cmon. Learn to love yourself.

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