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Meet Demodex! It lives on your face!

Demodex is a tiny parasitic mite. there are more than 65 species of Demodex.
Only two species ot demodexes can live on humans, "Demodex folliculorum" and "Demodex brevis".
Demodex derives from the Greek roots: demos - people and dex - worm .
When large numbers of Demodex folliculorum is found on humans the infestation was known as "demodicosis" .
These mites are found in the human hair follicles, normally found in greater numbers around
the cheeks, nose, eyebrows, eyelashe's, and forehead. They could also be found in other parts of the body of arms,
che'st, and ears. And live in our pores and hair follicles. The mites vary from size of 0.1 mms to 0.4 mms long.
Total lifespan of Demodex mite is several weeks.

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