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BlackBerry Passport

BlackBerry is looking to make a comeback with the launch of a new smartphone called Passport.
They hope this Weirdly shaped phone is going to save the company. The screen is square instead of the normal rectangular shape.

Source: http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/blackberry-passport-21.jpg

Personally I like this phone but im not a fan of the keyboard. The only reason why i wont change my phone for this one is because there's not much apps
to download both BlackBerry App store and Amazon App store have lame and unpopular apps. BlackBerry doesn't support any Google service.
The downside would be the screen size is not suitable and applicable for watching movies and videos coz the resolution would not be well-fit,
but great for a businessman!

Whether or not people like Blackberry, I like them for being different and not giving up when lot of people want them to stop existing.
It's always fun to see what different companies come up with. It would be a very boring world when only one phone dominates the whole market.

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