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Truths that fashion industry doesn't want you to know

 Fast fashion industry was designed to make you feel out of trends after few weeks . 

Once upon a time , there were two fashion seasons 1 . Spring - Summer and Fall - Winter.
Forward to 2014 and the fashion industry is churning out of 52 seasons per year . With new trends coming out every week.A goal of the fast fashion is for consumers to buy as many garments as possible as quickly as possible. The Fashion industry gigants have invested millions of dollars to massive PR campaigns.

There's leading and hazardous chemicals on your clothing 

The New York Times say the Center of Environmental Health is focusing on reducing the lead content of products marketeds to young women , because lead accumulation in bones can be released during pregnancy , and harm both mother and fetus.

They Rather Waste , Than Damage Their Brands

Have you ever wondered what happens to garments that go unsold? They don't all to go to outlet malls, They get destroyed. Every once in a while , a big retailer gets caught destroying garments , or damaging out unsold Pacific, leaving people to wonder why they don't donate the garments to the poor . Well if the homeless lady at the busstation was wearing some top brend sweatpants that she got for free at the shelter, who would pay $50 for them ? 

 Curvy young fashion models

The majority of models starts their careers before age 16, most working unchaperoned and far from home, 
 the incentive to say nothing in order to keep your job creates an unconscionable environment of coercion. 

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